Tuesday 13 December 2016

Channelising Intuition to Live A Better Life

Recall that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach that you get when you aren’t sure about doing something? Or a vivid dream that you have on the eve of an event premonizing the turn of events that play out? Or a sudden feeling that grips heart foretelling an impending event? Every person is intuitive! Did you know that? Yes! Even you! What may differ is the extent to which one channelises it. Intuition is but a myriad of senses that work together and guide us toward our highest good. Some are naturally inclined with being more sensitive and perceptive with their intuitive energy.  

The good news though is that it is never too late! With practice, anyone can get in tune with their subconscious to channelise their energy and develop it over time. Being intuitive can help one trust one’s instincts unconditionally fostering self-reliance, compassion and kindness - towards oneself and others. Making decisions will be relatively stress free and life more peaceful! This ultimately leads to approach life and react to situations in a different way. One tends to be more faithful, hopeful with a more developed sense of self belief which isn’t mired within the traditional constructs. Many successful people swear by the way they have been able to hone their senses to be more trustful, empathise and be at peace.  

Here are some ways highly intuitive people approach situations differently -

Trust - Highly intuitive people trust themselves from an understanding that the instincts guiding them are beyond what the mind can fathom. They approach situations with a lack of fear even if not necessarily a lack of doubt. Their decision making skills are pointed and lack fear. The best choices one makes in your life if you notice, will be the ones devoid of fear and guided by your instinct. To develop an unconditional trust in yourself, start becoming aware of how you trust your judgement in daily life starting with the simplest things. Do you counsel many people before going in with a decision? Have trust in your abilities to take a decision and stick to it, even if you need to begin small.  Make a note of the times when a judgement paid and perhaps when it didn’t. Try to gauge the influences that triggered you into making that decision.

Empathy - Intuitivity also helps in building empathy which in turn also helps in understanding the environment around and being more centered. It develops your sensitivity and helps in getting in touch with it. Intuitive people instantly are more aware of the energies around them and know which energies to absorb, reflect and avoid. The more intuitive you are the less tolerant you become to negative energy. However, you also learn to discern between people that elevate your energy and in turn become an energy elevator yourself. With more awareness, the more sensitive you become and you maintain to function at a higher vibration. Getting in touch with our chakras will be a great way to understand more about energy and how our bodies react to it.

Peace - Intuitive people are more at peace with themselves and the surroundings. They listen to and follow their intuition on a consistent basis. There is an innate sense of trusting self and experience of trusting our judgement. It is in the belief that the intuition has no agenda in itself but to guide us towards the best option for us. There is no conflict between the heart and the mind and this brings peace. Meditating daily for 15 minutes daily early morning or just before sleeping can help you get in touch with your inner being.

These are but some of the key ways intuition can be channelised to achieve long-term gains. Do you have any interesting anecdotes to share? Would love to hear from you!

Friday 2 December 2016

Demonetisation and Education

Inarguably, there has hardly been any issue as widely debated and conjectured than the government’s recent demonetisation drive of 500 and 1000 rupee notes.  And the one that has impacted the daily life of the common man as well as the trade and industry to such an extent. Personally, apart from being bedazzled by the move, it was the intent behind the move that held me captive like most Indians. The idea of wiping out black money and corruption, which plagues our system, needn’t any selling, especially to the common man who grapples with its demons every day. Needless to say, this move has impacted all sectors and education is no exception. The move will impact institutes taking donations or capitation fees. Some key monumental changes that we should witness due to demonetisation are -

  1. Transparency - The biggest bane in the education sector and every parent’s nightmare. It is no secret that from kindergarten, schools, high schools and professional institutes, the practice of giving exorbitant amount of money in donations is rampant across the country. Many private education institutes take donations nearly 50% of the course fee and in cash.  This will stop and parents of students should get some relief even if the course fee may be upped marginally.  

2. Meritocracy - Meritocracy should get an impetus since seats in colleges and  
institutes won’t be found in bargain basements for sale. Medicine and engineering  
colleges will be most impacted. Some seats in these professional institutes fetch as
high as 50 lakhs to a few crores. Management seats should increasingly land in the  
lap of meritorious students.

3. Quality of Education - While there is some debate that some negative impact on  
quality of education will be felt due to a restriction of funds, it may be temporary. Fee   
structures could get realigned and may only lead to greater accountability.

Needless to say though that the government should focus on complementary and strategically planned initiatives/measures at the policy and grassroot level in the education sector to accentuate the benefits.

While the overall sentiment pertaining to demonetisation has been positive, it is pertinent to note how the media, influencers and opinionators which applauded the move almost unanimously have begun showing a marked shift in the narrative relaying pictures of how it may not look as good as it sounded then in terms of impacting the economy from the grassroot level due to the gaps in implementation.

Of course, the long term impact is what remains crucial in terms of sustained holistic  measures to curb corruption and that remains to be seen. The role of education in curbing corruption can’t be overlooked since there is no equaliser like education- a panacea to remove disparities and pockets of imbalance, reduce the gap between the have and the have-nots: the primary reason for corruption to thrive. Like all educationists, I eagerly look forward to the day when education will be given its due and along with health care be taken seriously enough.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Aadat Se Mazboot!

Children don’t just inherit our genes, but also our habits! The habits that are inculcated in a child especially during the formative years of his life will go on to define not just his physical health but also his emotional and mental well being. Here are some that will prove to be  really helpful in ensuring your child’s all-round well being when he grows!

  1. Ditching the burgers and the soda - You are what you eat. Fast foods and sodas now rule almost every mealtime where it used to be an occasional indulgence earlier! Inculcate healthy eating. Make it a habit to check food labels, and maintain a healthy eating pattern for the rest of the family as well. Begin with a nutritious breakfast to get the day running.

  1. Physical activities & Playing Outdoor - With electronic gadgets ruling our lives, the parks and playgrounds wear a deserted look like never before. Encourage your child to play outside. Seek play-buddies of the child’s age group since young and set a fixed time to outdoor play at least thrice a week. Further, once the child is five, enroll the child into a sport or a sporting programme. Alternatively, you could begin taking your child in physical activities.

  1. Inculcate Positivity -  The mind is a powerful weapon. Small deeds and habits that impart generosity, hopefulness, inspiration, joy, kindness need to be looked at regularly for a well developed self esteem. Parents must also be aware that they are role models for their kids and to cultivate habits like meditation, expressing gratitude go a long way in nurturing positivity in their atmosphere.  

  1. Limiting screen time -  We need to relearn how to connect with our surroundings and people and one another by disconnecting from the virtual world and television. Apart from developing health problems like eye disorders, poor posture, too much screen time is known to cause behavioral issues and impact academic.

  1. Inculcating Hygiene - Inculcating good hygiene habits is a crucial part in maintaining health. Inculcate the habit to brush twice a day and floss their teeth once older. Washing and keeping dry private parts daily, taking bath daily and washing hands before every meal is rather important. It is also important to make them realise the importance of keeping their surroundings clean.

  1. Sleep -  A good night’s sleep is critical in the overall development of the child. It ensures the child is rested and energised for the day ahead. A set bedtime cutoff and routine also inculcates good sleeping habit and helps prevent sleeping disorders. Limit screen time as much as possible and avoid it just before the bedtime.

  1. Family Time is Sacrosanct -  A family ought to stay connected and what better way than to do so in a fun way! Set aside family rituals that are sacrosanct to build bonds and encourage children feel confident to share their feelings and apprehensions. Keep the communication channel open, always. Listen to your child attentively when he is young so he knows you take him seriously and will not think twice about approaching you in the future.

  1. Read everyday - This is one of the most rewarding habits you can inculcate in your child. Reading a book just before bedtime enhances the bond between you and you child. It also improves vocabulary, diction, and the creative side of your child. Set aside a reading hour and curl on the sofa with your child and enter a magical world together!

  1. Using the Golden words - Sorry, Please, Thank You - these golden words not only help set a tone of kindness, respect and compassion in your personal interactions it also grounds an individual. In order to be successful you must be able to influence people and these golden words work like a charm when used sincerely.

  1. Saving money - In this age of commercialisation and bombardment of marketing messages propagating it, never before has it been more imperative to help make children realise the value of every penny. Perhaps one of the biggest lessons we can impart to our children is that things are to be used and people and moments to be cherished.

Remember not to force children to develop these. For any habit to get inculcated, it is a  gradual process. Of course, you are the best role model your child can have so make it an endeavour to raise yourself first. Children learn most effectively by example!

Sunday 30 October 2016

Inspiring Journeys of Their Own

Maya (name changed) is a dear friend of mine and mother of a 11 year old, ‘strong willed’ daughter, Zara. Zara is a typical 11 year old, with oodles of confidence that may come across as aggression and with amazing will power and zeal. She excels in subjects and activities she likes. However, she hardly cares about electives she doesn’t like. Maya was at her wits end coaxing Zara into paying attention to all subjects and making her involved in extra curricular subjects she didn’t enjoy much, but  Zara disregarded all of it. Her older brother on the other hand is an all-rounder, an obedient and disciplined child which often sparks off unfair comparisons between the two at family dinners and parties. Zara has extremely strong opinions and preferences and wasn’t shy of asserting them. ‘Well-meaning’ relatives would often tell Maya as to how she should look at enrolling her in boarding or day boarding schools to put her wayward child into before she completely lost control. Am sure we are all acquainted with such little Zaras.

Up until very recently strong willed children were the ones society labelled as stubborn, rebels, wayward, in short, the untamable. They were to be dealt with punitively - either physical or emotional threats were made to conform them to the set mould. Unfortunately in the process, many of these children’s spirits would be crushed, some would run away from home and others would end up rebelling. However, now, slowly mindsets are changing thanks to parent counselling, and awareness. Strong willed children may be quite a handful to handle but they are blessed with an enormous will power and sense of determination which needs to be tapped and directed. When Maya approached me with the problems she faced she was an anxious mother. Here are some simple tips to make raising such wilful spunks who want to live by their rules -

  1. Identify the negotiables and non-negotiables - Set them apart from the negotiable ones. Know what is sacred to your little one. Understand if it can be done their way and why it may be important to them. Even if it can’t be done their way you must understand why it may be important. Once you acknowledge that, there are chances they will feel as if they have been seen and heard. Try to chalk a middle path. However, also firmly identify the non-negotiable components. They need to know it has to be done regardless.
  2. Focus on the positives - Instead of only focusing on the difficult behaviour, make it a point to focus on positives and initiate a reward system. Have a stars or smiley system or assign points to tasks completed and have a routine reward point acknowledgement every week. Also, set aside the child from the behaviour. There’s a difference in letting child know what comprises bad behaviour and pulling him down. Never make the mistake of crushing a child’s spirit. S/he may never forget nor forgive you for it.
  3. Environment adjustment - if they have siblings, try not to interfere much and encourage the children to sort the battles amongst themselves. Also,fights with friends need to be tackled by them; refrain from interfering into their affairs. You may get a lot of ‘complaints’ from parents and while you need to pay heed to them, never admonish a child or berate him/her in front of others.
  4. Be willing to unlearn - This will be one of the biggest parenting lessons perhaps - to let go and to accept your child for who s/he is. A lot of times, children will challenge you or set beliefs of how ‘nice’ children are supposed to be. Remember, though they may pretend not to care, they do! They may challenge you but also try to recognise your tipping points - why is something so important to you; or why would a behaviour upset you. Don’t try to seek validation of your being a good parent to what others feel about your child’s behaviour or how they perceive your children. Don’t treat your child as a project, doing so, will only push him/her further away.
Remember, the key is simply to shape the will of the child while guarding the spirit. So they may inspire their own journeys.

Friday 7 October 2016

School Assemblies : Assembling Student Spirit through Mindful Moments

What is that one daily school ritual that most would even remember now? School assemblies! It is hard to forget those early morning sessions at the school grounds (a privilege now , unfortunately, due to the space constraints in bigger metros) as our coordinators and principals addressed us as most of readied ourselves for another day of studies and fun (well, hopefully!)? Did you know though that a well planned school assembly in fact is an important aspect of the school curriculum? Its potential in establishing a positive school ethos and in building intrapersonal intelligence of students often get overlooked.

Often, the more seamlessly it integrates within the school curriculum the more effortless it may seem. What may come across as just a routine session, actually is a powerful tool, which if planned meticulously, encourage students to imbibe universal values like respect, love, tolerance, cooperation. This in turn triggers development of the child in the moral, social, spiritual aspects. At Billabong High International School *(BHIS), we have our assemblies intricately connected with the school’s curriculum.

Now, what are so special about assemblies? Assemblies come closest to community building within the school. Often the entire school or part of schools like entire grades or sections of schools with their students, teachers, come together and experience the sessions together, as a unit. On a daily basis, such rituals of sharing experiences, become a history of shared experiences and automatically a flow of imbibed culture and intuitive learning comes to the fore. Such shared experiences passed from a generation to the other, slowly build and color the fabric of the entire school community - how it absorbs and reflects.

We regularly conduct our assemblies with a broad theme in mind. Take for example a recent one we had -  “Everyone’s a hero in their own way”. Our grade 3 students showcased tiny acts and conveyed how each one is unique and popular. This was to convey the message of not only understanding your own potentials but also using your talents to help others grow. The acts were followed by a heartwarming video which showed simple acts of kindness towards others can also make you a hero. You need not be popular or a celebrity to be one! We inspire children to leave with an outstanding thought. We make it also a point to acknowledge every child and his contributions every year.

Also, as a school principal, the importance of 'connect time' with all children together cannot be stated enough. I recall one particular assembly wherein a Grade 1 child, presented the school with beautiful framed message on 'cleanliness and Toilet rules and that was huge message for all children as well as for the child who was recognized and this was a positive reinforcement for him & others.

Such sessions leave a huge impression on young minds and is crucial in developing a healthy sense of self esteem. It also enables school teachers and authorities to notice anomalies that may appear in such gatherings like bullying. At Billabong High we talk of 'Mindful moments' to tackle bullying and little acts of just 'laughing and screaming their hearts out for 30 seconds' relieves children and successfully conveys a message that it’s okay to vent out and we can work out a proper channel. We also encourage  kids to centre themselves, calm them before they start a day for themselves. It was just last month when a teenager’s suicide due to bullying in school made international headlines. He had left behind a heartbreaking letter how he was let down by the school who didn’t do much to help. His parents were shocked and didn’t even know or was informed of what was happening. At the end, the little soul thought the only way out was to snuff out his life. Apart from his shattered family I wonder how this also must have impacted the kids who were bullying him and also those who knew it saw it happen yet chose to keep quiet. Such incidences change you to your core. One such can dent the entire fabric of school ethos, and initiate a ripple effect of sorts.

We don’t just assemble students at schools randomly - we enable them to assemble and be mindful of their moments, be present fully with their minds, their spirit. Now, can you imagine any other profession facing such an enormous task? Would love to know and hear from you’ll about any interesting anecdotes that you’ll look back now from your school assemblies!

Monday 29 August 2016

Not without our daughters!

It is becoming an increasingly rare feat where achievements by women in our country need to be looked upon with wonder, considering the huge strides they continue to take, in spite of all odds. And yet, even this hadn’t prepared us for the pride we felt last week when our daughters shone like a beacon in the dark. Notwithstanding another dismal performance by India at the recently concluded Rio Olympics 2016, the country was saved some major embarrassment thanks to the amazing display of sporting determination and will by some of our brave heart champions – all women. Each of their victories was outstanding because of the story it redefined. 

History was written as PV Sindhu got the silver medal at the Rio Olympics after playing a stupendous finale and putting up a staunch fight. The 21-year old became the youngest ever Indian to win an Olympic medal and that too a silver!  Sakshi Malik, grabbed the nation’s attention after ending the metal drought by clinching the bronze medal in the 58kg women’s wrestling category, becoming the first Indian woman wrestler to win an Olympic medal; proving that women can excel in “men’s sports” too. Her victory was inspiring considering she came from a state, Haryana with the lowest sex-ratio in the country. Dipa Karmakar, barely missed the bronze by a whisker even as she became the first Indian female gymnast at Olympics, playing a game that hardly has any funding or support in the country. There were other significant achievements too made by golfer Aditi Ashok and long-distance runner Lalita Babar who had qualified for the finals, which is in no way a mean achievement. 

It won’t be wrong to state that there is an advent of rise of women sports achievers in India, as was evident in the performances put up by our athletes at Olympics.  While the biggest irony remains of course that as a nation we continue to grudge our daughters their dreams and aspirations – not just in sports but across fields. Perhaps, it is this that fuels our daughters to excel more, take greater strides and overcome the odds that are stacked against them since they are children. And slowly, we are witnessing a gradual rise of individuals excelling in their practice, sports included. Remarkably, more often than not, these women achievers are from middle to lower income groups with little or no support in terms of resources or facilities. Until a few decades ago, sports would only be the privilege of the wealthy, now we have athletes like Saina Nehwal (daughter of a government employee), Mary Kom (daughter of a farmer) etc. fighting against all odds to emerge victorious.

The dismal performance of India at every Olympic is shameful considering we are the second largest growing economy and also the most populated. And this isn’t a gender specific problem. The government has to shake off its apathy and look at measures to adopt models that have worked even if autonomously, to replicate it across other states. Coaches like Gopichand and Bishweshwar Nandi (coach of gymnast Dipa Karmakar) should not only be rewarded with sufficient aid but also encouraged in every possible way so that other such pools of sporting talent are formed. Also, why wait for athletes to win awards to only bombard them with cash rewards and endorsements? Dipa didn’t win a medal but her achievement is unparalleled considering the lack of resources and infrastructure she faced.

While it is certain that the achievements by our girls will motivate the next batch of sporting geniuses, we need to as a society increasingly infuse sports within our lives. And this begins right from school. It is critical to offer same type of sports to both boys and girls, as we do at BHIS (Billabong High International School) like offering football, cricket, capeoira without gender bias helps encourage the girls. We have observed a tremendous linkage in the terms of the partnerships formed early on, between parents and school to identify and nurture sporting talent. Sport should be an integral part of our lives regardless of gender. Each one should play one. However, we as a people, have a greater responsibility in helping our nation reaching the stars. For which nation has really achieved anything if their daughters aren’t empowered to follow their dreams? None, without their daughters! 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

To Be or Not To Be - Parental Involvement in Child Education

I am often asked – “How involved must parents be in their children’s education?” As an educationist, I have realised this confounds not just those whose kids study in kindergarten but those also studying in the primary, secondary and higher school education. Whilst different approaches are required across various stages of education, there is no questioning the fact that parents must be involved in whatever best way possible to whatever extent possible. For good reason.

Several studies undertaken have pointed to undeniable linkages in stellar student learning outcomes and the intricate involvement of parents within the education system. For e.g. a study conducted in 2010 by researchers at the University of Leicester and University of Leeds concluded that ‘parents' effort is more important for a child's educational attainment than the school's effort, which in turn is more important than the child's own effort’.
In other words, parents' efforts towards their child's educational achievement is very important, as it plays a more significant role than that of the school or child. Researchers derived that since a child whose parents put more effort into his/her education does better at school, regardless of the socio-economic standing of the family, policies aiming at ‘enhancing parental effort might be effective in strengthening educational attainment’. 

From my personal experience as an educator of so many years I have known this to be true. For us at Kangaroo Kids preschools and Billabong High International School, it is an adage that we have lived by – there is no substitute for parental involvement. Our curriculum framework in fact is uniquely designed in such a way so as to encourage parental interaction and involvement.  This typically happens across these three stages -

·         The school engages students and parents in creating a collaborative culture based on a shared vision shared responsibility and a sense of belonging.
·         Opportunities are provided for parents to learn about the schools educational aims, programmes, and pedagogical approaches so that they can support student learning.
·         The school creates student learning opportunities by effectively using the skills of its own community members and by building partnerships with external agencies such as local businesses and professional organizations.

It is keeping this above framework in mind that we gave a further impetus to the entire parent-child-teacher methodology and launched ‘Empowered Strategies’, a unique parent-teacher-student workshop held every week, taking the parent-orientation sessions a step further in Billabong High International School, Santacruz. Every week, Tuesday – Thursday, we hold such workshops per grade from Primary to Secondary, covering per level each week.  Teachers moderate the session with parents forming random groups with students and understanding a particular topic in a particular subject. Parents hence get to know first hand the way curriculum is introduced to the student. We have begun with subjects Business Management for grade 9, Mathematics, English and EVS for grade 2, 6 and 7. Going forward, we plan to involve parents to conduct and moderate the workshops.

The initial response to the workshops have been overwhelmingly positive though we have staggered through some due to time constraint on the part of parents but we hope to get there when parents, students and teachers are on the same page. We have already gotten to learn remarkable perspectives of both the students as well as the parents. For instance, parents have asked us to open it across levels of pedagogy from methodology, learning styles and tips strategies on multiple intelligences. We working around a way with the timings so that working parents can also attend and contribute.  What matters is that we have begun a journey now we need to make it a successful one too!

All said and done, however, would like to conclude with a disclaimer – that as with everything else, there needs to be a fine balance in terms of limit of parental involvement so that it doesn’t transgress to over-involvement. Doing a child’s homework, obsessively manoeuvring their free time, over-involvement in home assignments etc. will only hamper a child’s true progress.  Ultimately, loving a child is always about doing what’s best for them and not that which might feel convenient for us.

Sunday 12 June 2016

10 Testaments for Acing the New Academic Year

Yes! It’s June! The beginning of every school academic year is special and eagerly looked forward to by everyone. Students are eager to meet up with their friends, start classes, read their new books, get their fresh set of uniforms, begin their extracurricular activities etc. Teachers and other staff members are keen to commence their new sessions, incorporate new learning styles and meet their new batch of students. In all, it is a completely charged up and exciting time, heralding a new set of opportunities, challenges and experiences.

For me, this year, it is extra special. Heading Billabong High International School, Santacruz as the Principal is an incredible privilege. The last nine months as principal itself has been an amazing learning experience. And if I am certain of any thing is that my students will continue to amaze me.  And so, as I look forward to the unfolding of another academic year with them, I humbly pen time-tested ten testaments that should hold them in good stead –

1.       Be Present – Not just attendance wise! No matter what it is that you do, be ‘present’ in that task. Give it your best shot. Do it with all the wakefulness and mindfulness that you ought to accord it. For, not doing so would mean you do not respect your time enough. And anyone who does that is one’s own worst enemy.
2.       Work towards a goal – Be outcome-oriented. Always think of the goal. Be committed to it with a zeal that should be unparalleled. This includes from doing the smallest tasks to the biggest assignments. Being mindful of working towards a set goal persistently, on a daily basis, gives amazing results. If the goal or outcome is too huge, break it down into smaller steps and results; work towards it conscientiously.
3.       Results don’t define you – Remember that while results at best are the closest measurable indicator of the level of skills you have mastered and are yet to; it doesn’t define you. Nor can it ever do. So, don’t let that limit your own expectations of yourself or let it define your self-worth. There are ample number of real-time success stories of brilliant successful individuals who ‘made it’ even when they failed earlier on, in their academic or early professional years.
4.       Work hard but have fun - There is hardly any substitute for hard (and smart) work. But there is no panacea like having fun in what you do, so it doesn’t feel like hard work. Studies have proved that individuals who enjoyed their time didn’t feel the work to be ‘hard’. Work too doesn’t seem like work then. Join extracurricular activities apart from just focussing on studies.
5.       Know whom to let in- Select you circle carefully and take time to know whom you include in your circle. Be discerning. Understand that real friendships take time to form and that if you even have 5 friends in your lifetime whom you can count as among your true friends, you are wealthy.
6.       Receive and give with equal tenacity – Both are two sides of the same coin. Unless you learn how to receive you won’t learn to give; and unless you give you won’t be able to learn.
7.       Always question -  Even the answers given to you.. Seek them yourself. And allow others around you the same liberty.
8.       Freedom comes with responsibility – While we all crave for freedom, it comes with a huge responsibility – to use the freedom wisely, conscientiously. Remember, often the consequences of one’s actions can have far reaching effects, and not just on an individual basis but collectively too.
9.       Do one new thing every week – It could be the simplest of tasks to commencing your poetry journal or tasting/making an exotic recipie, always learn and do something new.
10.   Celebrate your uniqueness; believe in it – Saved this for the last! Always remember, there is no one quite like you. So celebrate it and be around people who will celebrate it. Believe in your capabilities and know the areas you want to work upon. Be your own biggest competition.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Of Jammu and its SuperHeroes

Have you imagined, how it would feel to sing our national anthem at the LoC at dawn? Or how it would be to gaze at the stars across that ‘border’? Walk across what perhaps seems like just a piece of terrain and yet feel a palpable connection with it that leaves you teary-eyed? These are just some of the amazing moments I had the privilege of experiencing with my Billlabongers last week.

Billabong High International (Santacruz) was among the nine schools in Mumbai that had participated in a first-of-its-kind, seven-day national integration trip on ‘Know your Army’, based on the theme of “Kashmir: The crown of India – Paradise of India”. Conducted by Nagrota based White Knight Corps, the tour was sponsored by the Indian Army under its Sadbhavana Project to showcase the sacrifice and commitment undertaken by its soldiers in the state.  It saw 186 students from Grade VI to X, teachers and Principals participating and witnessing a series of planned activities aimed at motivating students to join the Armed Forces and displaying the humanitarian efforts of the Army in uniting people.
In-line with the theme, students from diverse schools across the city were randomly segregated into various contingents, bonding as a team. We watched spellbound, as the army showcased combat power, slithering, various technical aspects and air mobility capabilities of the Armed Forces. Students not only had the privilege of interacting with their counterparts from schools at Rajgouri, but also witnessed the spirit of camaraderie and Espirit de Corps of our gallant forces on the border. They got to witness first-hand the importance of having your buddy’s back through the camaraderie, trust, faith every soldier shared with the other.
In fact our learnings began even before we reached Jammu, right from the train journey we undertook - for all students it was the first one; learning about each state as they passed through - it was like a field experience, crossing many states and seeing so many different types of people, cultures, dresses, food, dialect etc. referring to maps and charting their journey!
We reached Jammu station in the dark wee hours of the morning and yet were given such a warm welcome by the soldiers who were there to escort us in a 'convoy' to our first base camp about two hours away. We felt extremely secure. Watching our jawans leading from the front showed how important it was to not only 'overcoming your own fears and demons but also a life lesson to students that as a leader you first assess and experience before you ask others to take the plunge.. of course after safely considering the calculated risks!
The tour was a spectacular experience for us. We were mesmerised by the various addresses and orientations by the different commanding officers. Every army personnel had the same passion, vigour, core values and one couldn't differentiate between their commitments. This speaks truly of the Army culture that we took back with us - every student, teacher, parent aligning to the same vision, goal & philosophy of any school thus defining A ' School culture' with its attitudes! 
Personally, I take with me a moment that will stay with me forever. I had almost quit in the last 500 meters of a 9000-feet trek. My legs hurt so much that I couldn’t think of taking another step. A soldier approached me, lent me his hand and said, "the Goal seems visible, so why would you give it up? this is just like winning at the end of it; your students look up to you for this kind of Inspiration!!”. His words motivated me to plod on and the feeling of having completed the trek, it is indescribable. I shall always be indebted to that young soldier.
I was also amazed and humbled to see the depth of character and perspectives that all students displayed during this trip. From helping each other, leading teams, eagerly soaking up all experiences, interacting with the jawans etc., our Billabongers made us proud. I am certain that just as we left a bit of our hearts at the various places we went to, each of us had brought in that much more to dwell in our hearts as well, experiences that will last for a lifetime.  My personal

For any educator, there’s nothing more rewarding than knowing our students have gotten wealthier with such invaluable experiences. 

While it was fascinating to hear them tell you as to how being a principal is an equivalent of being the Army Commanding Officer or have them approach you with some conscientious work they would like to do at school, a particular remark will stay with me forever. A young one remarked profoundly that if only control for power, greed and biasedness of some people across the world could be done away with, we wouldn’t have to send so many of our men patrolling the borders, away from their families, anticipating war and brutality. Rather, we would have hundreds of such dedicated personnel focussed on building solutions to make lives better, safer. Throughout the world! I marvelled at its profundity, and wished it true upon a star that fell…even if it was one across that border. 

Sunday 3 April 2016

Where Virtual Will Trend..

A while ago, I had visited the Nehru Planetarium and I was enthralled with it. Yet again. It is amazing how every visit extends fresh perspectives --- one that you are sure you couldn’t have missed earlier! I fondly reminisce the visits with my children. Their small eyes would expand with wonder, especially during the ‘shows’. Why! Even adults gasp at the spectacular presentation. The audio-visuals are simply outstanding and take us on a realistic space tour. I would often wonder if there will ever come a time when we could utilise technology to transform the dreary walls of our classrooms and liberate students from the verbose texts they need to mug without being able to experience or understand the concept.

Well, at long last, with the dawn of the digital age we are surely moving a step towards that direction!  Virtual classrooms, virtual field trips are being increasingly encompassed within the curriculum framework. Virtual learning as an industry itself is booming and has significantly changed learning outcome metrics. Now, it isn’t to say that traditional classroom teaching is outdated; that is required too! Similarly, virtual learning has dawned with its own sets of benefits and challenges. In the long run though, most academicians believe without a doubt, that it is set to revolutionise the way quality education is disseminated and accessed by millions of students across the world, from schools to high schools and colleges.

Imagine sophisticated computer terminals streaming some of the most engaging and curated lessons, demarcated to suit every learner profile, mapped to suitable learning outcomes! A student could choose his course session and set the pace as he would like to! Likewise virtual field trips, which could take you inside volcanoes, or on the International Space Station or visit Anne Frank’s home or go to Antartica, are a reality now with an increasing number of American schools weaving this into the curriculum. In India, we have a long way of course, to really integrate technology into our curriculum for challenges in terms of resources, training and curriculum integration. However, many leading private schools have embarked on this journey, even if they remain a handful.

The benefits are enormous for students – sessions are more interactive, flexibly suited to learner profiles, enables more eclectic options for choosing electives, integrates children with learning or physical disabilities enabling inclusion and challenges learners through a medium they are instinctively inclined to use. Our biggest challenge though will be to integrate the public education system and with it the thousands of government schools, which will stand to benefit magnanimously in terms of quality education being disseminated, cost effectively. However, we need governments to realise the importance of investing in the vision from the primary level, along with the will and intent to committing to it.

Quality education continues to be an elusive, aspirational term since Independence for over 90% schools and the millions of students that study in the country. Virtual classrooms give us that ideal platform to get all the students on a single page, giving them the reigns to proceed through the session at a pace comfortable to them. Yes, there will be challenges in terms of curriculum rehaul, developing the new-role of session facilitators vs. teachers, resources in setting up infrastructure and training, calibration of learning outcomes and alignment of vision with curriculum dissemination. However the benefits make it worth wading through some initial choppiness for our children, who will take to this like fish to water; it’s the mindset change among the education community, parents and the government that needs a paradigm shift.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Reflecting What We Choose to Reflect

There is hardly any school event that matches the splendour of annual concerts for the multitude of emotions it evokes. In both - parents and academicians. . It is difficult to articulate the feeling of getting to watch each one of your students work as a team while expressing themselves individually on the stage. It is also an immensely proud moment experiencing the moments crafted tirelessly by your teams with the minutest of planning and attention to detail. To watch your teachers and students transform magically into directors, choreographers, light & sound technicians, videographers, digital engineers, script and dialogue writers AND turning an auditorium lobby into a business studies zone with marketing, branding & accounting and so on..

 I was enraptured by the performances put up by my students of Billabong High International School (BHIS) Santacruz recently. This year’s theme was ‘Reflections’. It entailed the journey of the story’s protagonist, an extraordinary boy Johnny, who is thrown head first into a land he has no desire to be. Johnny is one of a kind but doesn’t realise his potential. He is plagued by his insecurities and doesn’t believe in himself even though other characters in the play consider him as their saviour. He encounters the story’s antagonist the wicked witch Elphaba who feeds on negativity and fear and uses Johnny’s negative opinion of himself as the source of her power. At the end, we reflect the essence of a true ‘hero’ – how actions and intent override physical strength as the pre-requisite.

I believe this story has a powerful message. Its theme presupposes empathy and understanding of people and events in their life, which lies at the core of great performances impacting them not only as a person but also preparing them for the real world tomorrow. 
Undoubtedly, the paradigm shift in skills required for the success in 21st century warrants a change in how we educators, facilitate learning. We strive to provide a stimulating culture to our children; aspiring to foster a sense of reasoning, a desire to learn, grow & evolve. We must acknowledge though that while as educators and parents we remain the facilitators, ultimately it is children who are the makers of their own lives.

We need to have them believe in themselves right from when they are children. And at time it may also mean believing in them first before they get to believe in themselves. However, it wouldn’t mean pushing one to be a replica of the other. We need to understand what our child loves, what he is all about. Both parents and educators,  we accept all their little individualities, the embarrassments, and all the wonderful and magnificent things they do so well and a few that they may not do so well, accepting the whole package of our children with love - Unconditionally.
It isn’t just about academics or topping an exam, it is the values we exhibit and that they derive from. We have a huge responsibility as academia, as parents, as policy makers. We need to be at par – ideologically, purposefully - to be an indomitable community. The main pillar of this community being Inclusion. One that safeguards the interests and future of every child regardless of the community s/he may belong to. That each child believes in self and is able to charter his/her course even if he may have to challenge a few status-quos. So that through strife, we progress much further than we would have. So that we create, share, live fearlessly with joy. So that no negative forces may derive power from the insecurities of a young mind, battered by societal inadequacies and inequalities and use it as ammunition to burn any university,  community, society or nation.

It will do much good if we take some time to reflect upon what and how we choose to reflect what defines us – our ideology, our values, our actions, our intent – to the world around us.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Celebrating Vis-à-Vis ‘Tolerating’ Differences

It isn’t every day that you have the honour of watching your students marching in a republic day parade alongside 4000 other students from 25 city schools in the esteemed presence of a Vice Admiral, Commanding Officer and  other high ranking officials from the Indian Army, Navy and the AirForce;  And that is the reason this Republic Day shall remain one of my most spectacular experiences as a Principal and an Educator. One hundred students from grade 3 to 9 of Billabong High International School (BHIS), Santacruz marched from Bandstand towards Taj Lands End at 7 a.m. The entire parade was cheered on by parents, teachers and onlookers; the atmosphere, rife with patriotic fervour reminiscent of the Delhi Republic Day parade. (Read more here)

The entire concept captivated me when it was first presented by BIRD (Brihanmumbai Inter-school Republic Day) Committee, which has been organising the parade since the past two years. This year, the floats made by schools, represented the Indian culture, Unity In diversity, Save the Environment, Make in India theme and Compassion towards Animals. There were spectacular displays of Fire Brigade equipment, Natural Disaster Response Force Equipment and kiosks with Defence artillery. It was the first time that BHIS had participated. Singling out any particular standout moment will be difficult but I was mesmerised with the display of missiles by air defence unit of army, the fire brigade display, truck floats which carried messages of animals and habitats and not being cruel to animal. There were horse riders, cyclists, marchers, bands and cultural float teams spreading eco-friendly messages as a synchronised team. Stalls from army, navy, air forces, were set up to showcase armed forces of the country.

Along with army and other series the NCC boys and girls inspired our students. For the first time, they were reviewed by a 3 star admiral. They went to INS Hamla for watching their parade, arranged by the BIRD committee to inspire them and one man, the convenor, Mr. Peter D'souza, needs a special mention, who was tireless and on the move, bringing this mammoth event its grand finale! Our students had one of the most enriching experiences with the long marching practices by Army (NCC wing) officers collaborating with other school children from 24 schools and playing the band. We showcased unity in diversity through our cultural float. Varied dance forms from diverse regions of the wonderful kaleidoscope of colours that is India were showcased with fusion of Kashmiri, Marathi, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Manipuri, Bengali and Mohini Aattam dances, culminating in joyous tribute to motherland.

The objective of this parade was to create a sense of patriotism amongst all students and to create an awareness of our Armed Forces, the ultimate protectors of our Nation.

This year’s focus was also on being resolute citizens standing up to evil forces that intend to disrupt the progress and peace of our country. 

The theme of the parade was aptly coined ‘Proud to be an awakened Indian’. Never before has it been so imperative to stress the importance of being an ‘awakened citizen’. To acknowledge our shortfalls, work together at resolving them and to strive together in raising a generation that celebrates differences as much as it tolerates them! That is when we will truly bring about Unity in Diversity – when each is groomed to lead conscientiously across communities. We need to start young and use as many such opportunities to celebrate aberrations, our peculiarities to not only give the confidence to our youth to stay true to themselves but also reciprocate empathetically when they go on to lead in the future.